Antioch United Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Where Strangers become Friends and Friends become Family!


These comments are responses to Pastor Kevin's messages or persons visiting Antioch Church. All testimonials are unsolicited and unpaid. Many were left on the Antioch Church Facebook page and Pastor Kevin's YouTube.
A 90-year-old church member's adult son was diagnosed with liver cancer in the middle of 2024. In September 2024, he was told that he has cancer free, and that was before moving forward with any specific treatments. All glory to God!
A church member asked for prayers for her husband who had a heart attack. They did an angiogram and believed he needed his stent. When they went in to put in the stent, they found there was no blockage and no need for a stent. This testimony was shared in church on Sunday, September 29. All glory to Jesus!
"Your messages are always just the food I need from God's Word! If you step on my toes...I need that too! God bless you!" - Susan E. 
A church member received prayer on Sunday August 18th for a painful case of dermatitis. The doctor had prescribed a lotion but he couldn't afford it. He received prayer at the altar on August 18th and testified the next Sunday that the pain was gone that week! All glory to God!
"Your church was very inviting for sure! I do still appreciate you inviting us and how well we were treated there, thank you. It takes a good pastor to lead a their flock in the right direction and you have for sure been doing that, thank you." - Gen. A. (6/14/2024)
"God has led me to your video at the exact perfect time! Thank you for the beautiful reminder! God bless!" - Sara Santos.
"Beautiful encouragement 🙏🏼 Thank you Pastor." - Elizabeth Girinde.
"Thank you! I know I cannot thank you enough! It's just what I needed to hear." - @kalyanienarayanan2239

"Glory to God, Thank you for this message i needed to hear this."😭😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽  - @evagonzalez7777.
"Needed to hear this today thank you. I surrender to God! It's already mine! Love will find a way. God bless you." - @aditibajpai2982.
"I needed this message so badly today." - Brooke Benton.

"I really needed to hear this.. Thanks for this encouraging video. God bless you." - Veronica Clay.

"I'm not religious at all and don't believe there are any gods, but thank you for the message, I needed to hear this reassurance right now." - @maybugz
"A couple of minutes before watching this video I was speaking to God and telling him to send me a sign that my God ordained husband is coming and you just popped up in my feed. I felt that you would say something to keep my hope up....BUT THE WHOLE VIDEO WAS MEANT TO REASSURE ME THAT GOD HEARS ME! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS VIDEO." - @KaRiNa-pj9sb.

"This word brought me to tears this morning. The video found me at the perfect time. Thank you for this and God bless you!" - @jordaunscott801.
"I stumbled upon this video and I’m so grateful I did. This came at the right time and answered so many questions ! Great Message! Thanks Pastor Kevin!" - Ashley Rhinehart.
"Good to hear the encouraging words Pastor . You are a real hero and very kind hearted person . God bless you." - Ronnie Moore.
"I thank the Holy spirit who has led me to this video, my heart is more calm now!!" - @samuelkisakye9163

"I was meant to find your video at this perfect time, just when I needed this message I stumbled upon your video." 🙏🏽 - @shannonbest3345
"I love my church and my church family. During church I felt God's presence. It was amazing!" - Tommy M. 

"This church saved me from self destruction. Great pastor Kevin and church family and friends." - Dennis T.
"Loving and kind church. You will immediately feel right at home!" - Sarah, CEO of Heil Sound.
"It's a good place to go for church." - Dallas W.
"A church that welcomes all they care for each other and we have a great worship service early service at 8 30 am and 11.00 am on Sunday morning." - Linda H.
"Awesome place to reach up, reach in and reach out! This is an awesome, spirit-filled church that offers a warm welcome to all! There are exciting programs for children, youth, women and men. Pastor Kevin is wonderful! We have an inspiring music program that is blesses with amazing talent! Exciting Thanksgiving and Christmas activities starting soon!" - John M.
"Wonderful pastor and wonderful Church family. You will feel welcomed and loved." - Micaela K.
"From the moment I stepped foot in this church, I felt welcomed and loved. I could feel Jesus’ very presence all around me. This is now my church home and my church family." - Corrina D.

PRAISE REPORTS: We have had several members healed of hip pain, back pain, knee pain, in some cases cancer and insomnia and covid-19 recovery! PRAISE GOD! 

PRAISE REPORT: A church member's 94 year old father had successful hip surgery!


PRAISE REPORT: A man was healed in his back and hip. 


NEW JOB: Our second service pianist got a new job! She will be teaching Freshman level Science next school year at New Covenant Academy!


KNEE HEALED: Pastor commanded a woman's knee to be healed on Wednesday and it started feeling better immediately. By the next day the pain was completely gone. She could lift her foot!

PRAISE REPORT: Two church members had tested positive for covid-19. They are healed and no further spread in our church!  



BUMP DISAPPEARED! At the end of February 2020, the pastor was asked to pray for a young woman who suddenly noticed an abnormal growth on her neck that was hard and getting bigger. Her doctor had scheduled a CT scan. Pastor Kevin and church members commanded the bump to wither, shrink and go away, in the authority of Jesus' name! On Sunday February 23, it was announced that the bump was GONE and that the doctor cancelled the CT scan! All glory to God! Faith still moves mountains!

CANCER HEALED! On Sunday January 26, 2020, church member Pat shared that she was diagnosed with cancer after a lumpectomy. Pat was told that the cancer had spread throughout her body. A few of us prayed for Pat at the Circle of Prayer. She woke up Monday morning, God spoke to her and told her there was no cancer. She had a CAT & PET scan the next week. She got the results on Thursday January 30th — NO CANCER! Faith still moves mountains! (Acts 3:16)



PRAISE REPORT: After almost three weeks of hearing problems, a church member received prayer at church. Three days later, hearing problem GONE! All glory to JESUS! 



PRAISE REPORT: A church member had such pain in his knee that he couldn't walk. The clinic said he had no cartilage and fluid on the knee. He prayed, and one morning he woke up and pain and problem were GONE instantly! All glory to GOD!! Healing still happens! 




PRAISE REPORT: The pastor was recently asked to pray for a friend's mother who was diagnosed with lung cancer. On Monday December 17, 2018 she said the cat scan showed the two tumors are GONE! She said, "Thank you, God works in mysterious ways." All glory to GOD!! Healing still happens! 



PRAISE REPORT: A church member asked the pastor to pray for her husband's excruciating back pain at the circle of prayer at the altar last Sunday. On Monday December 17, 2018 his wife shared, "PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! Steve's back is a whole lot better!!! In fact, he said the pain is gone! He is still sore, but he's able to get up and move around some. Thank you for praying with me." All glory to GOD! 



PRAISE REPORT: Optic nerve stroke greatly improved after laying on of hands and prayer! Lung pain was healed instantly, pain in lung and torso almost completely gone! 

PRAISE REPORT: "After church today we had a prayer circle. We prayed for each other and our families. I have said before I believe in miracles and here is why. I not only witnessed pain being removed from others. Praise God! I also was in terrible pain this morning. I am used to daily pain, but today was hitting me hard. I felt some relief from pain after prayer, so we all prayed again for more relief. I felt a little more relief. I am now home and although not totally pain free, my pain levels are even less than they are on a daily basis. Again Praise God. Took me a little longer to feel the blessing, but I did."

So far we've got gout pain healed, back pain healed, shoulder pain decreased, osteoarthritis pain decreased! Thank you Lord! Jesus is still on the throne!




A few weeks ago, the pastor's friend said: "My husband is very sick. I am asking for prayer warriors. He has had the flu but it has compromised his immune system. Thank you."

A few hours later, that same friend wrote: "It is amazing how blessed we are to have so many wonderful friends. My husband was really having trouble breathing when I asked for prayer warriors. As I began getting comments of prayers back, he started breathing well. He wanted me to thank all of you and tell you how much he appreciates your prayers. God definitely intervened... Praise His holy name. I watched a miracle happen."



We laid hands and prayed for a church member on Sunday November 3rd with bad back pain. On a pain level scale of 1-5, she said her pain was a "6". After we commanded the back to be healed in Jesus' name, her pain level went down to a 3, on a scale of 1-5. Thank you Lord! 


PRAISE REPORT: We've been praying for our local high school for the past few months. Last year at this time, there were thirty-five (35) physical altercations broken up by school resource officers. At the beginning of this school year, there's been only one! The power of prayer is working to make our high school blessed!! Come this Saturday September 28 to pray with us from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. 



PRAISE REPORT: A church member went into the hospital on a Tuesday with blockage in abdomen. We prayed on Wednesday June 26, and on Thursday the blockage is GONE and he went home that day. All glory to JESUS! 

If you are interested in baptism and/or becoming a member of this awesome church family, please contact Pastor Kevin at 417-833-6171.